Thursday, March 18, 2010

Poetry and Zombie Deer

My mom got me a set of magnetic poetry for my classroom. This is the line I found on it this morning:

"a poetry is good lifes an eternity and it never die & you surround it in my kiss like a baby."

Love it.

Daylight savings time has been kicking my boo-tay all week. Tuesday morning K greeted me with, "Ms. Craven, you don't look very good today. Your face don't look like it usually do."

Thanks. Great. Cool.

During my lesson on exploding-the-moment, my students revised the following snippet of an essay:
"We turned around a corner and hit a deer. So we put it in the back of the truch and drove back down the mountain."
Their expansions of the event included blood and guts, screams and cursing, slipping in the mud, fire, and one in which the deer came back alive and started dancing in the back of the vehicle. (S tells me that's eerily similar to an old Queens of the Stone Age video.)

In another revising exercise, they described getting stuck and then getting out of a pothole.
A wrote, "We pushed as hard as a woman giving birth."

My children are hilariously amazing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your kids are SERIOUSLY amazing.

Love you


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