First of all, I am allowed to buy copies once again (although the bookkeeper insisted on seeing the email from my Vice-Principal where he said "It's always okay to buy more copies; there apparently has been a miscommunication."), so Sylvie, my friend and long-term sub, can actually give the children paper-products upon which to share their knowledge.
Oh, Sylvie. I'm sorry that being a sub is tough, and that some of my students are so tough, and that you're taking over right before a break, so that everyone is ancy anyway.
Here are some excerpts from her emails to me so far (it's day three today):
12/13 Subject: First Day
Wow, what a day! smooth sailing as promised for periods 1 and 2.
3 is definitely tricky but they played nice for the most part. I had problems with C and R. Well, two that are worth talking about. C decided to steal tickets off the desk (my bad for having trust in them) and R was a handful. To sum it up, he let damn slip out of his mouth, refused to do work until about 15 min left, was constantly talking and interrupting class, sitting where he wasn't supposed to and told a student quote, "you sexy". I will be writing him up cause I'm not tolerating that. C will also get a referral for trying to steal the tickets (and i'm not sure if she later did, but i caught her in the midst of trying).
Your chair by the way is scary. I've almost killed myself twice in it.
5th and 6th were trying. B indeed was a handful and did not do any work. He also crumpled up every paper he received, including his interval exam, and threw it at other students and around the room. I'm gonna have to work hard to reign all those personalities into a beneficial manner. 6th was okay, S decided not to do his interval exam.
Subject: Holy Hell
how do you deal with detention? they are yelling worse than they were in class. i had two students walk out before the 15 min was up. and to top it off, i had half the class here because of missed homework assignments and I was trying to help them out. 3rd was hell as well. sorry, i just need to complain right quick cause i'm also not feeling well at all. nasty lil head cold. I'm starting to think i have quite poor discipline. suggestions?
they miss you tons.
I feel so bad that they are giving her a hard time. But I also am so glad I get a break for awhile. I'm grading essays still, trying to help out from afar since this baby is just chillaxing in my belly, in no apparent rush to come hang out with those in the out-of-womb world.
I just finished reading "Stargirl" this morning. During the whole book I was thinking how glad I am to be out of school. Why then, have I decided to work in one?
Anyway. Right now- the focus is on this break. Supporting Sylvie as much as I can right now, since I will be all for my little family once this baby arrives. And quiet! It is quiet now here except for the neighbors' dogs. That surely will change soon.
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5 years ago
1 comment:
we are anxiously awaiting your news. have fun with your mom! Peter & Cheryl and the boys.
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