Today school was extra annoying. For some reason, my 8th graders decided that the Monday before testing they should act like lazy jerks. That's annoying enough, but three of the girls were involved in bullying another girl, and I had to be all military-police, calling them all out in the hall to SEARCH THROUGH THEIR BAGS FOR A PICKLE AND SOME RAMEN NOODLES. They had gone through the one girl's bag while she was out of the room. This is not what I got into education to do.
Later, my lovely employers (telling article about them here) called on me to cover another class during my planning period (a frequent occurrence as subs often a. aren't called or b. don't show up). This was during my twenty minute lunch period right before the class that needed coverage. So that's twenty minutes to eat, get my stuff in order, and pump my post-pregnancy breasts. I say I'll cover the class, but can someone stand in for just the first ten minutes because this is my only time to pump? My secretary looks at me like I'm ridiculous.
Somehow I manage to get there just two minutes after the bell. Some of the class are my present or previous students, so generally it goes alright. Except for T, who is so upset that I've written his name down because he was out of his seat constantly and poking another student with the tail end of a "rat" comb, he started punching the desk and the wall, addressing me alternately as "pimp" and "sweetie." He so wanted to erase his name of my paper, he just couldn't find any logical, respectful way to try to reach a compromise.
Fifth and sixth period weren't atrocious, just loud. And then at detention B, among other things, says that he would just kill the girl if he accidentally got one pregnant.
I should make some phone calls home, but I just don't have the energy. (B has detentions with me all week- a second-chance instead of receiving an in-school suspension, since that would get him in severe trouble with his probation officer.)
I'm going to the doctor on Thursday to get an IUD. The procedure is apparently uncomfortable and can be painful for a few days afterward. I'm taking the day off from school.
I'm looking forward to it.
4K 女王的柯基 The Silent Enemy 1958 完整版本
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Silent Enemy電影,完整電影1958 《牠:第二章》完整版本 — 中国 — 电影 — 1080P,视频高清在线观看
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5 years ago
1 comment:
Just keep thinking about how close you are to being done. You're going to find something you love doing, I'm sure of it.
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